- 英検準一級の例題より: https://eslclub.jp/blog/eiken-pre1-writing-questions/#No1
- 問題: Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past?
- 模範解答:
- First of all, more women are working now compared to the past. A large percentage of women around the world have careers and do not want to be tied down by marriage. For example, a woman who gets married and has children will not be able to maintain a career.
Second of all, the pressure to get married is becoming increasingly low. People in the past were pressured to marry and have children because families needed more people for manual labor, but that is not the case anymore. For instance, people in the past married and had kids because they needed more people working in the farm.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that marriage is not as important as it was in the past.
- First of all, more women are working now compared to the past. A large percentage of women around the world have careers and do not want to be tied down by marriage. For example, a woman who gets married and has children will not be able to maintain a career.
text-davinci-003 で生成した英文
- Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past?
- Marriage is still an important institution in many cultures around the world, and it continues to be seen as a source of personal and social stability. However, in some countries marriage is becoming less important today than it was in the past. As many societies become more secular, the necessity and social pressure to get married is decreasing, while staying single is increasingly accepted. Additionally, changing gender roles and increased access to education and career opportunities has made marriage less of a priority for some individuals, who instead opt to pursue other life aspirations.
- 単純に生成した解答
- Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past? Answer for grade 8th student
- Marriage is still an important institution today, but it is changing. People are waiting longer to get married or not getting married at all. Some people are choosing to live together outside of marriage. Others are choosing to live a life that is different from the traditional roles of wife and husband, with both partners having careers or taking on different responsibilities in the home. Marriage is still an important institution in our society and still plays an important role in relationships.
- 中2年生向けにしたやさしい英語にした解答
- こうすることでやさしい英文になる
- Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past? Answer using "women" and "pressure" for grade 8th student
- Marriage has become less important in today's society for many women who no longer feel the same pressure to wed out of traditional cultural expectations. With more women attaining higher education and having access to career opportunities, marriage is no longer seen as the only route to success. Women are now more independent and are able to choose their paths in life and define their own success without being restricted by the roles traditionally assigned to them by society.
- 解答のためのキーワードを入れるように指示した。同じく中2向け
- より試験の問題っぽい指示を送ったので、よりそれらしくなった
- Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past? Answer using "women" and "pressure" with two reasons for your answer for grade 8th student.
- Yes, marriage is becoming less important today than it was in the past. One reason is that more women are in the workforce, taking on roles that traditionally were held by men and that they may not have access to resources like in the past. This has given women greater autonomy and a feeling of financial security that they don't need to rely on traditional marriage to provide. Another reason is that there is less societal pressure to get married from family, peers, and communities than there was in the past. Marriage has become more of an individual decision, and no longer is it seen as a must for adults.
- 英語試験の解答っぽく根拠を2つ入れるように指示、解答のためのキーワードを入れるように指示した。同じく中2向け
- 解答の根拠を2つ書くように明確に指示したのでより試験の解答っぽくなった
Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past? Answer using "women" and "pressure" for IELTS writing test.
- It is true that marriage is becoming less important today than it was in the past, particularly for women who now have more freedom and options in pursuing their own ambitions. With increased pressure on achieving financial security and personal fulfillment through education and career, marriage is no longer a necessary step towards life goals or financial stability. Furthermore, economic trends and cultural shifts of recent generations have created an environment where women are much more likely to marry later in life, or even not at all. This shifting landscape of modern relationships creates an environment where marriage is no longer the automatic choice, and where women now have the freedom to make their own decisions concerning marriage without the pressure of traditional gender roles or expectations.
- IELTSのライティングテスト向けにと指示した
- 解答の根拠を入れさせるより、最後に結論も追加されておりライティングやスピーキング試験の解答っぽくなった。
- Marriage is becoming less critical today than in the past, particularly for women who now have more freedom and options in pursuing their ambitions. With increased pressure on achieving financial security and personal fulfillment through education and career, marriage is no longer necessary for life goals or financial stability. Furthermore, economic trends and cultural shifts of recent generations have created an environment where women are much more likely to marry later in life or even not at all. This shifting landscape of modern relationships creates an environment where marriage is no longer the automatic choice and where women now have the freedom to make their own decisions concerning marriage without the pressure of traditional gender roles or expectations.
- ちょっとした文法間違いや、表現の仕方を指摘された。
- Marriage is becoming less critical today than in the past, particularly for women who now have more freedom and options in pursuing their ambitions. With increased pressure on achieving financial security and personal fulfillment through education and career, marriage is no longer necessary for life goals or financial stability. Furthermore, economic trends and cultural shifts of recent generations have created an environment where women are much more likely to marry later in life or even not at all. This shifting landscape of modern relationships creates an environment where marriage is no longer the automatic choice and where women now have the freedom to make their own decisions concerning marriage without the pressure of traditional gender roles or expectations.